Current Mood: Elated!
Current Weight: 199.5 (down 9lbs since I started the blog a couple weeks ago!!!)
Currently Thinking about: How this is the first time in my entire adult life that I've been under 200lbs. I don't care if it's only half a pound under. I wanted to cry and jump up and down and scream for joy at the same time.

Currently NOT thinking about: That the number on the scale might be a fluke
Currently looking forward to: Seeing Neko Case tonight!
Currently listening to: Nothing actually... how boring.
Currently Realized: Once I finish focusing on this life style change and that I can step back and take a slight breather... I need to make a career change.
U inspired me today!
CONGRATS on the Under 200! woot woot!
Really how fab is that! so effin fab.
I needed some inspiration.I visited an old friend over the weekend and lobster wine and oh yeah pancakes then today I had an event where iwas surrounded by yummy ordeurves and yesterday i worked out for 2 hours but i got so hungry afterwards - all day long - i so messed up all that hard work. so sigh. It's helpful to read about your good news..I know I will bounce back tomorrow!
no fanfic for me tonight - no workie outie.!
congrats again - You rock!
I'm just really crossing my fingers that it wasn't a fluke though! Sometimes I feel like it isn't real haha.
I'm so happy I inspired you though! That's my mission! :)
I hope I can finish wide awake tonight cause latchkey recommended another good smutty one to me that I wanted to get started on :D
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