Fitness Goals:
1. No Sugary Sweets for 45 days
Captain's Log: Day Seven. I have turned my nose up at the chocolate drizzled cheese cake laying out at BREAKFAST TIME in the office kitchen. Seriously! There's a cheese cake sitting out at breakfast time! What is wrong with you people! Breakfast: 1/2 a bagel, light light smear of reduced fat garden vege cream cheese, orange, and low fat string cheese with a cup of tea & 1 tsp of sugar. Calorie totals: 489
No Candy
No Sugary Latte-frappa-mocha-chinos or whatever
No Cake/cupcakes
No Chocolate
No Ice cream
No Muffins
No Cookies
No Desserts
No Soda
No Juices
No Sugary Latte-frappa-mocha-chinos or whatever
No Cake/cupcakes
No Chocolate
No Ice cream
No Muffins
No Cookies
No Desserts
No Soda
No Juices
NO NO NO! To basically anything where the main ingredient is refined sugar, or high fructose corn syrup.
I'm only allowing myself a little bit of sugar or honey in tea.
2. Win the biggest loser contest at the office
Before Christmas we started a biggest loser contest at the office. Now I know what you're thinking that's impossible to do at the holidays! But I managed to maintain my weight since thanksgiving. Now I really want to see some numbers drop on the scale. So far I've only lost about a pound, and my evil co-worker came up to me yesterday to rub in my face about how she's lost 5! If she keeps at it there's a chance she could lose up to 10lbs by the end of the contest. I've got some catching up to do. So to help me gain an advantage in the contest as I stated in #1, no sweets, I'm joining an indoor soccer team starting next week to get another opportunity to work out added to my routine. I also have to make sure that I get to the gym or outside for a run (weather permitting) 1 -2 extra days a week. I'm also trying to be strict with watching my calories.
There's $120 riding on this so I don't want to lose! Plus I lost last year to a man who gave up soda and lost 11lbs in a month (I swear men are freaks of nature when it comes to weight loss). I know in my heart that I AM the office biggest loser because I've lost the most consistently over almost a 2 year period, but I'd love to be able to claim the title and win that money! Momma needs a new pair of shoes baby!
Shoe Whore recommends....

cute plaid shoes!!
3. Reach my weight loss goal
This is my long term goal for the year. April 2010 will be my two year anniversary since I made a life style change. I want 2010 to be the year I reach my goal! I feel like at this point I need to lose about 30lbs to reach my goal, but we'll see what happens as I get closer to that number. I'm not fixated on a number on the scale, what I really want to achieve is an athletic body. To make sure I stay on track I'm going to keep work-work-working out 5 days a week or more and I'm going to keep introducing new diet challenges through out the year to my diet to try new things and see what works for me. One thing I'm thinking of doing besides giving up sweets is limiting or removing dairy from my diet. I'm currently reading a lot about nutrition so I can try new things or remove things from my diet.
In the spring soccer season will be back in full swing (yes!!) and I'm also thinking of training for a half marathon.
4. Do something creative
Music and art has been a part of my entire life. I played music since I was in 3rd grade and my college degree is a BFA so yea I'm pretty much an artsy fartsy type. But life after college hasn't been so much fun and I've had less and less time for the things I enjoy most. So this year I want to make sure I set aside a little time each month to do something creative.
Most of all I really miss playing music so I'm going to take a few piano lessons again to brush up...lack of piano has made me very very rusty!
5. Go back to school
It's been five years since I graduated college. Where the hell did the time go? I feel like I'm in an intellectual slump right now and I also hate my job so it's time to work towards a career change...I want to take a class or two hopefully by the summer to see if this little idea I have in my head might be something I enjoy or could feasibly major in's a bit science based and that's so far removed from anything I've ever studied before.
So that's my list, please share yours!!
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