I hope you forgive me in general for bringing the mood of the blog down. Clearly sometimes I'm irrational....but I also have a competitive streak so losing wasn't fun, especially losing in front of all my co-workers when I was sure I had already won... and then one of them had the nerve to ask me why I was so upset while trying to imply I was being a sore loser. Hookah please... I was mad at myself not at the girl who won and I didn't need his commentary to make me feel worse.
Then, I lost an indoor soccer game, my teams first loss of the season. It wasn't a fun week in general. Now that I've had my time to think back on it all I've realized a few things...
1. I was pissed that I lost weight? WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME?!
2. I broke one of my own rules and compared my weight loss to someone else! BIG NO-NO Ladies! This only ends in disappointment.
3. I focused so much on this contest and then on the fact that I lost that I didn't have time to focus on the good things that are happening in my life!
Most importantly, I know what I need to do to keep losing now that I've broken through my plateau. This is HUGE. I plateaued for months and I pushed past that! My bootcamp has been doing weekly weigh ins and I've gone down every week... this is something that hadn't happened for me from September through December but since the middle of Jan. the scale has dropped little by little every week!
As I said I was so focused on being negative after that contest I didn't get to share this with you all... On February 15th.... I was on TV! Yes, it's true... I was on TV. I didn't post about it because at first I was freaking out, then I wanted to have a video to share with you all, but my parents (who own and know how to operate a dvr) recorded over the segment with the Olympics! Thanks mom! Hope the figure skating was awesome.
BUT! I have some photographic evidence... here's how the whole thing went down... Sometime in late Jan the people who run my bootcamp said they were doing a segment on the local morning news and they wanted to have two girls go on tv and talk about weightloss and why we love bootcamp. They asked me to be one of those girls because I had some of the best results! I was pretty damn honored but also terrified because I'm so NOT a "spot light" kind of person. But they reasoned with me that it was a way for me to just push myself out of my comfort zone so I agreed. PLUS... we were getting make overs ;) and what girl says no to that!
On Feb 14th we had a salon day where several of the girls from bootcamp who have been working hard along side me got make overs and photo shoots. I got new slightly lighter hair color, but I wasn't about to let them cut my hair, only my regular stylist is allowed to do that lol.
Guess who got to play photographer??
It had been ages since I had done anything remotely involving my college degree so it was fun just to play with lights and my camera again.
Then of course I had to get my own hair and make up done....and It was my turn to get my picture taken, someone else stepped in to take the snaps...
Here's the pic they put on the bootcamp website:

Size... 22 ---------------> Size 12!!
(and the dress was on sale at Anthro! WIN!)
(and the dress was on sale at Anthro! WIN!)
The first was my before picture they used on the news and I've used it on the blog before but I'm not hiding my face this time. See ladies it is possible even the geekiest, most introverted of us Twi-hards can get out there and make a change :)
We also had to do a sporty look... so here's my sporty look...
I'm not there yet (cough *sparetirearoundmymiddle* cough) but I'm still working on it. I'm certainly not striving to be stick thin. First its not possible with my bone structure, second I want to be a healthy weight with an athletic figure... I've realized that my size/height sometimes helps intimidate on the soccer field especially as a defender so no stick figure look for me!
So the next day I got to be on TV had my hair and make up redone for that... and was able to talk briefly about weight loss and what a great work out bootcamp is! I really hope that someone watching the segment looked up sparkpeople (which I made sure to mention) and might be inspired to start their own weight loss journey. Over all it was a pretty cool experience and I'm glad I did it.
So I really have a lot to be thankful for and a lot to keep looking forward to! Too much to look forward to in fact to wallow in self pitty. Here's a line up for March alone...
March 14-20th TEXAS!!! To hang out with my friends and see family, can't wait to see my Aunt and Uncle and the ninos!!
- Bobby Long and Black Rebel Motorcycle Club w/ Band of Skulls in Dallas :)
- SXSW in Austin!
March 27th... Women's (Saturday's) outdoor soccer league starts!! Yay I can't WAIT to see my soccer gals again!!
March 30th... I'm getting braces! This is something I've wanted for 10 years and it's finally happening. I can't wait to have a nice straight smile!...and yes, I will probably officially look 17 again.
And it all starts with tomorrow. Tomorrow's going to be a good day... you know how I already know that... My gym bag is packed. I'm looking forward to sweating my ass off on the treadmill!
Also... I just had to post this video because it makes me laugh every time I watch it! Jimmy Fallon is such a fanboy lol :)
I've learned my lesson this week... always laugh and don't take yourself too seriously.
I am so happy to hear you happy!
Congratulations on everything! I am so glad that you did the TV spot and got a fun makeover in the deal. The pictures are gorgeous, oh wait that is because of the person in them :) I am so proud and it just motivates me more and more every time. I hope the good times keep coming for you. Have a great day!
Good to hear from you again. Amazing how easy it is to get pissed off over the wrong things instead of focusing on the good things. I do that more than I should
So very proud of you and so happy to hear you are doing well. My trainer wants me to do a bootcamp workout at the end of the month and I am soo nervous! Thanks for everything you truly are an inspiration. Oh and thanks to you I have found sprakpeople and I love it! If you ever see ThatPastryGirl on sparkpeople thats me <3
Congratulations for the TV spot and your amazing achievements with the training and weight loss! Just thinking of the determination and hard work that is required for the 80 lbs... wow. And I also wanted to say that you look so great in both the dress and the sporty outfit!
I'm also often too much focused on the negative things, however trivial they are, and let them get me upset and irritated and feel like my life sucks, even if everything is better than well in the grand scheme. My coworker was recently diagnosed with breast cancer (for the third time), and that was quite a reminder for me on how you should put things into perspective and be really happy about such simple and basic things as good health.
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